Bird watching and animal spotting with a pair of very amateur nature lovers just chronicling their journeys.

North America Life List

Andy and Shawnna's North America bird spotting list:

  1. Canada Goose
  2. Mallard Duck
  3. Common Merganser
  4. Common Goldeneye
  5. Bufflehead Duck
  6. Lesser Scaup
  7. Canvasback Duck
  8. Northern Shoveller
  9. Northern Pintail
  10. Eared Grebe
  11. Cinnamon Teal
  12. Blue Winged Teal
  13. American Wigeon
  14. Wood Duck
  15. Goldeneye (female only)
  16. Great Blue Heron
  17. American Avocet
  18. Spotted Sandpiper
  19. Belted Kingfisher
  20. Common Snipe
  21. California Gull
  22. Bonaparte's Gull
  23. Clark's Nutcracker
  24. Norther Flicker
  25. Stellar's Jay
  26. Gray Jay
  27. Downy Woodpecker
  28. Black-billed Magpie
  29. Northwestern Crow
  30. American Crow
  31. Common Raven
  32. Red-tailed Hawk
  33. Bald Eagle
  34. Osprey
  35. Northern Harrier
  36. Swainson's Hawk
  37. Turkey Vulture
  38. Great Horned Owl
  39. California Quail
  40. Sharp-tailed Grouse
  41. Song Sparrow
  42. House Sparrow
  43. Clay-Colored Sparrow
  44. White Crowned Sparrow
  45. Lincoln's Sparrow
  46. Vesper Sparrow
  47. Black-capped Chickadee
  48. Chesnut-Backed Chickadee
  49. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  50. Dark Eyed Junco (Oregon Var)
  51. European Starling
  52. American Robin
  53. Varied Thrush
  54. Killdeer
  55. Red Winged Blackbird
  56. Brewer's Blackbird
  57. Brown Headed Cowbird
  58. Baltimore Oriole
  59. Western Tanager
  60. Western Wood-Pewee
  61. Spotted Towhee
  62. Bank Swallow
  63. Violet Green Swallow
  64. Barn Swallow
  65. Rufous Hummingbird
  66. Golden-Crowned Kinglet
  67. Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
  68. Eastern Kingbird
  69. Yellow Warbler
  70. Say's Phoebe
  71. Cedar Waxwing
  72. House Wren
  73. Connecticut Warbler
  74. Townsend's Warbler

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