Bird watching and animal spotting with a pair of very amateur nature lovers just chronicling their journeys.

25 Apr 2015

McGregor Lake AB

Another cold windy day out bird watching and some really nice spots and new birds for our new Canada journey.  :)

Along with a Northern Harrier spotted from the car on the way to the lake we saw Northern Shovelers, Northern Pintails, Cinnamon Teal, Eared Grebe and American Avocet.

We had good views too of the Red Winged Blackbird and American Robin.

And just as we were leaving we spotted Killdeer in the campground hanging out with the Prairie Dogs.

We did see 3 more birds of prey on the wing but unable to identify and a few ducks probably missed because we couldn't stand the wind long enough to stay out!

4 Apr 2015

Chestermere AB

Bufflehead Duck
Our first day out this year bird watching on a cold rainy Easter weekend!

But we saw a few new birds on Chestermere lake including the Common Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Canvasback and Lesser Scaup.  We also spotted a Sharp-tailed Grouse in a nearby field and closer to Calgary a Bald Eagle overhead near the Bow River.

Unable to get a photo today due to weather but this image from MrTinDC sets the mood on the lake today perfectly.
